Who Are We

Think Kids Yuva is a passionate and committed student-run non-governmental organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and taking action on various societal issues by empowering youth. Our projects and initiatives are focused on creating opportunities for young people to get involved and make a difference. One of our main goals is to fundraise for various causes, and we have successfully done so through various missions, including the Refugee Air Project and RAK (Random Acts of Kindness). Our fundraising efforts have been critical in supporting the needs of refugees and other vulnerable communities, and we are proud to have made a positive impact through these initiatives. We understand that creating positive change requires more than just fundraising, which is why we also focus on raising awareness and educating young people about the social issues that affect their communities. Through our programs and events, we aim to provide a platform for youth to voice their opinions and concerns, and to encourage them to take action towards creating a better future.
